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Trumeter 9100 Predetermining Counter / Ratemeter.


£420.00 plus VAT

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The versatile 9100 multifunction counter is a multi-preset, totalising counter / ratemeter with backlit display.

Simultaneous operation in different modes is now possible with this recent development of the highly successful 9100 multi-function counter. Additional enhancements include 3-line display, more keys, enhanced programming, EEPROM memory avoiding the need for a battery, and on-screen programming prompts in four languages.

Simultaneously maintains any 3 of the following: Count preset, count pre warn, batch preset,
overspeed, underspeed condition and displays count, total and speed.
Counts in any of 7 modes: A-B, A+B, A/B, count and direction and quadrature x1, x2 & x4.
EEPROM retains program and data for 40 years with no power.
3 line Supertwist LCD display viewable from any angle.
Easily programmed in English, German, French or Spanish using simple menu structure and 10-key keypad.
Counting continues while rate measurement is in progress.
Accurate enough for position sensing and robotic control.
Displayed values, choice of engineering units and 12 characters of user programmable text can be printed directly from the IBM/Epson compatible serial printer port.
Can be powered from 85-265VAC for world wide use.
Multiplying and dividing prescalers enable display directly in the required (engineering) units.
Manual, remote and automatic resets available.
Remote inhibit and remote keyboard disable.
Fast electronic or slow contact closure inputs, all with optical isolation. Contact closure inputs are debounced.
Auxiliary 12VDC 100mA power output to power sensor.
Environmental protection to IP65.
CE approved. UL and cUL approval pending.

The 9100 carries out rate measurement, batch counting and totalising simultaneously. Rate mode is signified by an R appearing at the top left hand corner of the display and counting carries on in the background. The first line of the display shows pulses per minute (PPM) unless a prescaler is in use.

Typical Applications:-
Length and speed measurement from measuring wheel with encoder.
Positioning Counter.
Coil winding counter.
Batch counting.
Packing line control.
Label counter.
Parts counter.
Rate or speed meter.
Packaging control.
Fluid blending.
Cut to length production.
Batching and stop/start control.
Numerical position control.

Power Supply
85 - 265VAC.
Auxiliary Output
12VDC ±10% 100mA for powering sensors.
3 line high contrast supertwist backlit
Sealed elastometric keyboard with 10 keys.
1 x 9 way and 1 x 10 way plug in terminal strips with wire clamps. Each way capable of accepting up to 2 OFF 2.5mm2 (0.1in2) conductors.
0.0025 - 9.99999 . Multiplying 0.00250 - 9.99999. Dividing 1- 9999.
Rate Input
Input A only. 8 - 30VDC. Maximum 600k PPM (10kHz), minimum 4.7 PPM (0.078Hz ie one pulse every 12.8s)
Control Inputs
External reset, count inhibit, keyboard disable. Maximum 30Hz contact closure or solid state input. 8 - 30VDC opto-isolated.
Manual Reset
Can be disabled on installation or remotely reset.
Remote Reset
Contact closure or pulse (maximum 30Hz).
Automatic Reset
Program to reset to zero on reaching preset 3 or vice versa.
Control Outputs
3 SPST relays. Contacts 5A 260VAC, 220VDC 1300VA/150W. Programmable for pulsed, latched or disabled.
Front Panel Sealing
IP65 when properly mounted using gasket supplied.
Operating Temp.
-10°C to +60°C.
Storage Temp
-20°C to +70°C.
Relative Humidity
85% at 25°C non-condensing.

To order by telephone please call 01453 886440.
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9100 Trumeter Multifunction Predetermining Counter / Ratemeter.

SKU: 9100
IVA inclusa |

10+ 7.5% Discount

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